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I hate talking about me, I prefer letting others do it:
"Very human and very naughty, he knows how to play of light to capture us and beautify our faults" - Stéphanie L.
"Don't look to the picture, look to human beauty inside the picture" - Yves V.
"Un Super Photographe avec un oeil de dingue, qui sait mettre ses modèles en valeur et à l'aise dès la 1ere rencontre, le coeur sur la main et une oreille toujours à l'écoute! Un photographe comme on en fait plus beaucoup!" - Sandrine C.
"Sharp" - Marko R.
"Very professional, serious and infinitely human" - Simone C.
"Delicate and warm ... Being quite reserved in front of a camera, I felt very comfortable from the start! Thank you for this discovery" - Justine
"An amazing photographer, specialized in glamour shooting" - JM Belcreations
"A serious photographer, friendly, always available to answer questions before, during and after a shooting" - Chris D.
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